The best advice I have, regarding what your limitations are, is ignore everything you are afraid of and TRY! The joy we feel when we exceed at something is just as strong as the defeat we feel when we
feel like we've failed.
There are countless times that I draw something, or paint something, or attempt something that I think is difficult, and I look at it and think "WOW, I did that!!" And countless other times that I try again and think "Crap, that looks awful!" Both ways are always a surprise.
When I think it looks great I post it on social media. When it looks like crap I post it on social media and critique myself - only to find that I receive AMAZING support from loved ones, and very helpful, constructive critiscm from loved ones and others who are genuinely wanting to be helpful.
My point is that NO MATTER WHAT I am able to grow from what others have offered. (If it's not constructive, helpful or positive, then I don't listen - takes time to develop that skill, but eventually it comes to you through confidence).
I have been doing multimedia for years. Recently I have started delving in the realm of personalization through drawing - specifically, face drawings.
If you are interested in doing this yourself, please watch the tutorials offered on YouTube by Dina Wakley! She is an amazing inspiration and teacher!! Thru one, 6 minute video, I was able to draw my first face!
This was my VERY first attempt at a face, and I am so pleased with how it turned out that I don't want to add any color or paint.
I have drawn several faces and painted a few, that I posted on Facebook, and have received positive feedback from loved ones and kind strangers, alike.
I have taken the criticism and have used it to improve what I am doing, and I have really enjoyed the process of it all!!
I have also found, that the hardest part of venturing out with paint, is mixing proper flesh tones. I am also afraid of making skin tone that is not of the normal, human tone.
All of this is COMPLETELY new to me and will have to be learned as I continue with this process. I have no doubt that there are many bridges ahead but I wanted to share my first bridge along the way.
I have enjoyed this journey and have appreciated the teachers along the way, Dina Wakley, Amy Joy, and several other anonymous youtubers that I continue to watch and enjoy.
I hope you have found some inspiration from what I've shared. I encourage you to find your joy in the art world - I continue to find joy in new things I create and avenues that I have traveled.

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