Where have I been, and where am I going?
I struggle EVERY day with time and priorities. I struggle to clean my home, stay on top of my families hectic schedule and keeping the love alive with my husband.
All of these struggles get bigger when not dealt with...and honestly, I have SUCKED with keeping up.
And on top of ALL of this, I have my own desires and wants...I want to get back into running, I want to continue to do art - vinyl, furniture, scrapbooking, cards. I want to blog (for no other reason bu myself)...but there are so many things that I want in this life and I have felt limited for sooooo long....
This will be an attempt to revive this blog and let others know that the daily struggle is so real. I know that I am not alone, just alone in my thoughts of how well I am doing...
Honestly, I am my worst critic. And, my loving husbands opinion matters too...he is not as bad as anyone is thinking at this point, but all of the above has been difficult on our relationship....
So, what have I been doing?
I have been paper planning, because that works for me...there are so many methods of keeping ourselves accountable...paper planning, to do lists, phone reminders...all of which should be helping us get thru the day to day...but what about finding the motivation to get up and do what we need to do?
I have gone to YouTube to find motivation...boy, there are videos out there for EVERYTHING....
My favorite motivators (by far) are Do It On a Dime
and Clutterbug
From these ladies I have learned so many things that I want to share with everyone...I HIGHLY encourage you to take the clutterbug quiz and figure out what type of "bug" you are...Cas is very insiteful and can help a lot....
I know that this post has been long...especially considering that I haven't posted in quite a while....but if you stuck with me this far I know that you either 1) know what I am going thru, 2) have been where I am at, or 3) are truly interested in me and my story....
If it is # 3 I am grateful to know that you care.
I will gather my thoughts and continue with my struggle/story soon.
Thanks for staying with me....